Monday, April 2, 2012

Breaking Through to Financial Freedom

What is the first thought that comes to your mind when you hear the words "financial freedom?"

Financial freedom is like anything else, a challenge that needs a plan or an outline to help us break the financial bondage and to help keep our focus on living a righteous life that God has intended for us to live. 

Your probably asking, "where can I get my hands on an outline, a plan that will fit your needs or how much will this cost me?"  The answer is God's word, the Bible. A hardback copy of a Bible can cost about $5.00 on up to around $60.00.  There are a lot of resources like or that will give you free access to a internet Bible, with several different translations. Either way you go, it is the only source that will give us teaching and much more to breaking through to our financial freedom. The Bible is for anyone and everyone!

The Bible is the essential tool of living in a righteous path in
which God has laid out for us.  
All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful
 for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness,

Join us on breaking through to our financial freedom by meditating and praying of renewing our mind into God's word.

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