Friday, April 27, 2012

Coupon! Where?

Coupon! Where?, will be a fun series of stumbling upon on
coupons in unexpected locations.
 Or coming across coupons that you never thought
would be out for an item or a retailer who produced the coupon.

Have you ever came across something that looked like trash but would eventually turn into treasure?
{crazy, uh}

With a list in our hand my family and I was at Walmart getting a few things for us when I had remembered we were low on coffee. Of  course I had left the boys with my husband and walked over to the grocery department to grab a thing of coffee. I usually buy the cheapest with or without a coupon but just decided to grab the first coffee thing I saw. I ended up with this Folgers container.

{Walmart in Bartlesville, OK}

With this strange lid on top of the coffee, I had never thought once to take it off.

My curiosity was never there until a week after purchasing this coffee container. I took this lid off and discovered there were coupons in there! {WooHoo}

Please email me at with your name, picture, and a short description of unusual location you have came across a coupon. You will be featured in this series of Coupon! Where?

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